For the future
Through First Century Foundations, God is calling YOU to be a key partner in His plan to bring the Jewish people home; home to the land of Israel and home to His family through Yeshua, the Jewish Messiah who is the Way the Truth and the Life.

Help us as we financially support over 70 ministries in Israel through needed humanitarian aid and practical projects across the country. You can know your investment is safe because these ministries have been carefully vetted and we have personal relationships with each and every one of them. Our Executive Director visits each ministry once a year to encourage and pray with them and to ensure the projects we are funding are getting done!Find out about recent projects!
Advocacy For Israel
Your investment will also help us to raise awareness here in North America on our mission to turn hearts around the world towards the land, people and God of Israel. This is accomplished through our Keeping It Israel Podcast and through speaking engagements at churches and events in Canada, the USA and around the world. With the recent upsurge in Antisemitism, it has never been so important to advocate on behalf of Israel and the Jewish people, especially as Christians!

Invest in
The First Century Foundations television show, currently airing across Canada and in the northern USA, is another important way that FCF is turning hearts around the world towards the land, people and God of Israel. The show highlights informative and exciting guests talking about important discoveries in Israel and how they connect to the Bible narrative, as well as sharing information about ministries in the land of Israel. Your financial investment will help us to keep these shows on the air and expand our presence into the USA.
FCF has also produced an amazing documentary series called Miraculous Victories of Israel. Please consider a generous investment in our FCF media to help us continue to produce and disseminate these important resources.
Invest In
Future Pastors
The First Century Adventures Israel experience for Bible College students is a way that you can make an investment in future leaders AND in Israel. Our vision is to plant the seeds of a love for Israel in the hearts of future pastors, so that they will understand the unbreakable connection between Israel and the Church, and they will teach their future congregations about it as well. This will ensure future prayer and financial support for Israel ministries for many years to come. Investing NOW in our FCF Scholarship Fund will help us to subsidize this experience for Bible College students who would normally not have the resources to participate in a program like this. Become a sponsor today by designating your gift to the “FCF Scholarship Fund.”

Legacy Giving
Include First Century Foundations in your estate planning and leave a legacy to bless Israel!
Planting a Tree in Israel
in honour or in memory of someone special through the Jewish National Fund.