I am happy to be able to update you about the baby whom you are supporting. On July 25, 2024 “S” gave birth, naturally, to her twins, 12 minutes apart. Each of them weighed around 2.500kilos, so they didn’t need to be in premature care at all. Before...
There are several wonderful joys in my job. One is saving the lives of babies, another is changing and protecting the lives of women, and another is meeting wonderful people from around the world who care about Israel and our babies. This week, in our office and at...
We are grateful for your donation to feed the poor Israelis. The money you sent was used to pay for the Distribution Center dry goods, which blessed many families in need. Our Distribution Center and Soup Kitchen projects continue being very successful for already...
Please thank, on our behalf, all the faithful people who stand with us during this critical time. We appreciate your prayers for the safety of our people and families, as most of them don’t have any shelter. These are some of the children receiving books and...
Dear Friends in First Century Foundations, Thank you very much for supporting this project. We had the opportunity to install a bomb shelter in Peniel Learning Center, which is so important for our daily activity in Israel. The bomb shelter also serves us as a...
We would like to thank you for your donation for Linga’s Ministry. Thank you so much for your continued support for Linga’s Ministry, your last donation helped us to buy a new Ipad Pro, Ipad cover and Apple Pencil. We thank you so much for your love and contribution...
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