Morning Star Fellowship

Morning Star Fellowship

CLAUDE EZAGOURI Reaches out to: Hebrew, Russian and English language groups Mission: To reach out to our community with a message of the love of the Jewish Messiah Yeshua for the Jews today. Build a tower of prayer and worship to dissolve the principalities of...
Peniel Fellowship

Peniel Fellowship

DANIEL YAHAV Reaches out to: Hebrew, Russian, Spanish, Ethiopian, Arabic & English speaking people To prisoners in jail Mission: To see the salvation of Israel & build up the Body of Messiah in the Galilee. To provide our children with Godly schooling and...
Tents of Mercy

Tents of Mercy

AVISHALOM & HANNAH TEKLE Reaches out to: Israel’s returning exiles and her native born sons and daughters Mission: To give practical assistance to new immigrants through our Absorption Centre and Humanitarian Aid Centre To make disciples for Yeshua throughout the...
The Joseph Project

The Joseph Project

Volunteer Opportunities Available:Please contact us at VIEW SOME VIDEOS ON THEIR YOUTUBE CHANNEL VISIT THEIR WEBSITE Shmuel Salway Reaches out to: Those in need of humanitarian aid such as new immigrants, elderly, Holocaust survivors,...