HOWARD & RANDI BASS Reaches out to: Israelis from all backgrounds, with most currently speaking Hebrew, Russian and English The congregation worship services is conducted in Hebrew, with translations into other languages as needed. Mission: To provide a Holy...
CHUCK KOPP Reaches out to: International people from all over the world—Jews, Arabs, Israelis and Palestinians Orphans and families without financial means The Lebanese who fled into Israel when the Israeli Army withdrew from Southern Lebanon Mission: To preach the...
BUTROS GRIEB Reaches out to: The Arab people in Haifa Mission: To see many come to know their Messiah To see revival in Haifa To train Youth for leadership for the next generation and to be a mentor to some of them To train mentors to mentor new believers for...
NIZAR TOUMA Reaches out to: The growing congregation of Arab people Children at our preschool that is directed toward Muslim and Christian children The poor in our community Mission: To reach our people through Home Groups To teach and Train our young people for the...
YOUSEF DAKWAR Reaches out to: The Arab world through Media (Satellite TV, online Radio, Recording Studio) – They receive over 220,000 hits a month on their website Mission: To reach all of the Middle East with the Gospel of Christ To see a vibrant church minister to...
MAX GARKAVENKO Reaches out to: All Israelis (Jewish and non Jewish) with the Gospel and Teaching of Yeshua Mission: Outreach bus tours (Jesus, Magdalena movies distribution and all kind of Messianic literature) English classes outreach (We study English through the...
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