DAVID & LEAH ORTIZ Reaches out to: People in Arab Villages and Muslims The Jewish People Mission: To see unity between Jews and Arabs—for them to worship together Bible studies Worship services Providing clothing and food for the needy Distribution of...
DANI SAYAG Reaches out to: Jews and Arabs in the Haifa/Mount Carmel area Mission: A ‘one new man’ community of Jews, Arabs and other Gentiles being built together as a ‘dwelling place for God in the Spirit’ Restoring the altar of the Lord on Mt. Carmel through worship...
YOSEF ABUSHARKI Reaches out to: Arabic speaking people People of different faiths or religions separate from Christianity Mission: Spreading the Light of Christ among all Arabic speakers in Israel, the Middle East and the entire world Encouraging Christian believers...
ADAM FOCHT Reaches out to: Believers in Israel: Jews and Gentiles in multiple languages (Hebrew, Russian, English, Arabic, Spanish, Portuguese, etc.) Mission: To establish people in God’s Word, to live as exemplary followers of Jesus (Yeshua) the Messiah, by studying...
CHUCK KOPP Reaches out to: International people from all over the world—Jews, Arabs, Israelis and Palestinians Orphans and families without financial means The Lebanese who fled into Israel when the Israeli Army withdrew from Southern Lebanon Mission: To preach the...
BUTROS GRIEB Reaches out to: The Arab people in Haifa Mission: To see many come to know their Messiah To see revival in Haifa To train Youth for leadership for the next generation and to be a mentor to some of them To train mentors to mentor new believers for...